Kick in The Creatives Podcast - We talk Creativity, Art and Writing with Creative Challenges and Gossip Tara and Sandra, met by happy accident. Tara had been listening to a Podcast that Sandra just happened to be being interviewed on, and having her own podcast at the time, she invited Sandra to be a guest. The two of them quickly hit it off and went on chatting, long after the recording had stopped… And they haven’t shut up since! Tara was a whizz at idea generation, but having been a graphic designer for 25 years, she had long lost her connection with a ‘real’ pencil. Sandra, on the other hand, was and still is, a realism painter, yet she had the inability to just ‘let go’ in her sketchbook. Over the following weeks, they began setting each other creative challenges. As a result, Tara rekindled her love for drawing by hand, and Sandra horrified to be handed a ‘chunky marker’ to draw with by Tara, was forced to let go of her pedantic sketching style and just ‘have fun in her sketchbook.’ It was clear that the two of them as a duo, were a good influence on each other and having finally met in the flesh, they became firm friends. Knowing the power that creative challenges had held for them, they decided that they wanted to help other people find and embrace their creative side and just ‘have a go.’

Monday May 06, 2024
Ep 149 Prioritising the Fun Stuff with your Art
Monday May 06, 2024
Monday May 06, 2024
Welcome to today's art podcast, and today we’re going to chat about prioritising the fun stuff with your art. What we mean about that is making sure you make time to do the creative work you enjoy, rather than worrying about your art or getting bogged down by the business side.
You can find the shownotes for this episode at https://kickinthecreatives.com/fun-art/
Our Sponsor Evolve Art
This podcast is sponsored by Evolve. Evolve can teach anyone how to paint in a realism style to a professional level in a year. They offer online lessons, support and also provide the materials you need.
To find out more sign up for a free art masterclass at
Our Art Challenges
We have 3 challenges every month:
On Social Media
Character and Cartoon Course
Just a quick reminder about our new Characters and Cartoons course

Monday Apr 15, 2024
Ep 148 Mindset and Your Art
Monday Apr 15, 2024
Monday Apr 15, 2024
Welcome to today's art podcast! Today, we're talking about how your mindset affects your art. Whether you're new to art or already selling your work, your mindset plays a big role in how you improve. Let's dive in!
You can find the shownotes for this episode at
Our Sponsor Evolve Art
This podcast is sponsored by Evolve. Evolve can teach anyone how to paint in a realism style to a professional level in a year. They offer online lessons, support and also provide the materials you need.
To find out more sign up for a free art masterclass at
Our Art Challenges
We have 3 challenges every month:
On Social Media
Character and Cartoon Course
Just a quick reminder about our new Characters and Cartoons course

Monday Apr 01, 2024
Ep 147 General Art Chat
Monday Apr 01, 2024
Monday Apr 01, 2024
In today’s art podcast we are having a general art chat. This is you getting to listen in to the sort of things we might chat about art wise if we weren’t on air.
Some of the things we chat about
- Podcasts that use AI to generate a voice.
- Artists complaining about being referred to as ‘talented’
- Not being able to put my finger on what isn’t quite right with the painting
- When you start going blind, walking away from the artwork for a while helps
- Prioritising the fun stuff for a while
- Overthinking with your art - paralyzed by options
- learning about business and interesting market research
You can find the shownotes for this episode at
Our Sponsor Evolve Art
This podcast is sponsored by Evolve. Evolve can teach anyone how to paint in a realism style to a professional level in a year. They offer online lessons, support and also provide the materials you need.
To find out more sign up for a free art masterclass at
Our Art Challenges
We have 3 challenges every month:
On Social Media
Character and Cartoon Course
Just a quick reminder about our new Characters and Cartoons course

Monday Mar 18, 2024
Ep 146 Being an Artist - The Highs and Lows
Monday Mar 18, 2024
Monday Mar 18, 2024
In today’s art podcast we’re going to chat about the highs and lows of being an artist. Whether you create art for fun or are selling your art we all have our ups and downs. We’re going to share some of those today:
You can find the shownotes for this episode at https://kickinthecreatives.com/artisthighsandlows
Our Sponsor Evolve Art
This podcast is sponsored by Evolve. Evolve can teach anyone how to paint in a realism style to a professional level in a year. They offer online lessons, support and also provide the materials you need.
To find out more sign up for a free art masterclass at
Our Art Challenges
We have 3 challenges every month:
On Social Media
Character and Cartoon Course
Just a quick reminder about our new Characters and Cartoons course

Monday Mar 04, 2024
Ep 145 Strike While the Idea is Hot
Monday Mar 04, 2024
Monday Mar 04, 2024
Welcome to today's art episode, and today we’re going to talk about striking while the idea is hot. What we mean by this is not sitting on the idea too long before you execute on it.
You can find the shownotes for this episode at https://kickinthecreatives.com/strike-while-idea-is-hot/
Our Sponsor Evolve Art
This podcast is sponsored by Evolve. Evolve can teach anyone how to paint in a realism style to a professional level in a year. They offer online lessons, support and also provide the materials you need.
To find out more sign up for a free art masterclass at
Our Art Challenges
We have 3 challenges every month:
On Social Media
Character and Cartoon Course
Just a quick reminder about our new Characters and Cartoons course

Monday Nov 27, 2023
Ep 144 An Art Year in Review
Monday Nov 27, 2023
Monday Nov 27, 2023
Welcome to today's art episode, and today we’re going to talk about our art year in review and our art goals for next year. We also explain why we missed an episode. This will be out last episode of 2023 so we wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays or whatever you celebrate. We look forward to your company again in March after a break.
You can find the shownotes for this episode at https://kickinthecreatives.com/art-year/
Our Sponsor Evolve Art
This podcast is sponsored by Evolve. Evolve can teach anyone how to paint in a realism style to a professional level in a year. They offer online lessons, support and also provide the materials you need.
To find out more sign up for a free art masterclass at
Our Art Challenges
We have 3 challenges every month:
On Social Media
Character and Cartoon Course
Just a quick reminder about our new Characters and Cartoons course

Monday Oct 23, 2023
Ep 143 How our Surroundings Affect our Art
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Welcome to today's episode, and today we’re going to chat about how our surroundings can affect our art. This could be anything from the music you play to how your art area looks.
You can find the shownotes for this episode at https://kickinthecreatives.com/art-surroundings/
Our Sponsor Evolve Art
This podcast is sponsored by Evolve. Evolve can teach anyone how to paint in a realism style to a professional level in a year. They offer online lessons, support and also provide the materials you need.
To find out more sign up for a free art masterclass at
Our Art Challenges
We have 3 challenges every month:
On Social Media
Character and Cartoon Course
Just a quick reminder about our new Characters and Cartoons course

Monday Oct 09, 2023
Ep 142 The Importance of Planning your Art Composition
Monday Oct 09, 2023
Monday Oct 09, 2023
Welcome to today's art podcast episode. Today we’re going to chat about the importance of planning your composition.
You can find the shownotes for this episode at https://kickinthecreatives.com/plan-composition/
Our Sponsor Evolve Art
This podcast is sponsored by Evolve. Evolve can teach anyone how to paint in a realism style to a professional level in a year. They offer online lessons, support and also provide the materials you need.
To find out more sign up for a free art masterclass at
Our Art Challenges
We have 3 challenges every month:
On Social Media
Character and Cartoon Course
Just a quick reminder about our new Characters and Cartoons course

Monday Sep 18, 2023
Ep 141 Little Things that can Make a Big Difference to Your Art Part 2
Monday Sep 18, 2023
Monday Sep 18, 2023
Welcome to today's art podcast episode. Today we’re going to chat about how sometimes the smallest things can make a big difference to our art. It’s those little aha moments that can thrust our art forward. This is part two of a two part episode.
You can find the shownotes for this episode at https://kickinthecreatives.com/big-difference-art-part2/
Our Sponsor Evolve Art
This podcast is sponsored by Evolve. Evolve can teach anyone how to paint in a realism style to a professional level in a year. They offer online lessons, support and also provide the materials you need.
To find out more sign up for a free art masterclass at
Our Art Challenges
We have 3 challenges every month:
On Social Media
Character and Cartoon Course
Just a quick reminder about our new Characters and Cartoons course

Monday Sep 04, 2023
Ep 140 Little Things that can Make a Big Difference to Your Art Part 1
Monday Sep 04, 2023
Monday Sep 04, 2023
Welcome to today's art podcast episode. Today we’re going to chat about how sometimes the smallest things can make a big difference to our art. It’s those little aha moments that can thrust our art forward. This is part one of a two part episode.
You can find the shownotes for this episode at https://kickinthecreatives.com/big-difference-art/
Our Sponsor Evolve Art
This podcast is sponsored by Evolve. Evolve can teach anyone how to paint in a realism style to a professional level in a year. They offer online lessons, support and also provide the materials you need.
To find out more sign up for a free art masterclass at
Our Art Challenges
We have 3 challenges every month:
On Social Media
Character and Cartoon Course
Just a quick reminder about our new Characters and Cartoons course